Full Paper Submission Portal

The full papers can be submitted in different ways.

Submission to Journal of Physics: IOP Conference Series

Please follow the below link and submit your paper


Submission to the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (IJAMT)- Springer

Submit your paper directly to the IJAMT through the editorial manager using the below link



  • Create an account or login to your account
  • Select full paper as your article type in the Editorial Manager.
  • Now after filling in all details, go to “Additional Information” at the bottom select if your paper is a part of special issue as “Yes”
  • Then select our Special issue “New frontiers in advanced manufacturing and materials processing (Int. Conference AdvaMAP2024)”

Submission to Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (SAGE)

Submit your paper directly to the journal through the editorial manager using the below link


  • Create account or login
  • then select in type of article as “Special issue: AdvaMAP2024”